WeatherToday's Forecast


Strong winds bring warmer temperatures

High temperatures will above average Tuesday
and last updated

Winds have really picked up through the day Monday.

Gusts of 30 to 40 miles per hour have been common.

The strong winds have brought us some areas of blowing snow, but since snow depth is minimal across much of North Central Montana, the impacts have been localized mainly to the Rocky Mountain Front.

A Winter Weather Advisory remains in effect in that area, as well as in the Little Belts through the night and into Tuesday.

Winds will remain remain strong overnight, and for most of us, through Tuesday as well.

As usual, the winds will bring in some warmer temperatures.

Overnight lows will range from the teens in Northeast Montana to the 20s in Central Montana.

Tuesday's highs will be as warm as the mid 40s near Great Falls, in the upper 30s near Helena, and even Northeast Montana will be warmer, as highs climb into the upper 20s for Glasgow.

Skies will be sunny for most, but a Chinook arch is likely to develop through the day.
