WeatherToday's Forecast


Hottest day of the year so far on Wednesday

Highs in the 90s and 100s
7-10-24 Highs

OVERVIEW: A good amount of sunshine, mostly dry conditions, and above average temperatures are expected for at least the next week as an upper-level ridge is going to be in control of our weather. Over the next week, a few weak disturbances are also going to pass through Montana producing some cloud cover, a small chance for showers and thunderstorms, and some wind.

DAY-TO-DAY: We are going to have mainly clear skies and mild temperatures tonight as lows are going to be in the mid to upper 50s and low to mid 60s. For tomorrow, we are going to have lots of sunshine and mainly dry conditions. It is also going to be very hot tomorrow as highs are going to be in the 90s and 100s, and a few locations may set new record high temperatures tomorrow. There is also going to be a bit of a breeze around tomorrow along and just east of the Divide as sustained wind speeds are going to be between 10 and 20 mph.

We are then going to have mostly sunny skies on Thursday with a couple isolated showers and thunderstorms around during the afternoon and evening as a weak disturbance passes through our area. There is also going to be a breeze around on Thursday along and just east of the Rocky Mountain Front as sustained wind speeds are going to be between 10 and 20 mph. It is also going to be very hot again on Thursday as highs are going to be in the 90s and 100s, and once again a few locations may set a new record high temperature.

Friday will then feature mainly sunny skies and mainly dry conditions (just a couple isolated showers and storms in northeastern Montana during the PM hours). It will also be slightly cooler, but still hot on Friday as highs are going to be in the 90s and mid to upper 80s.

For this weekend, we are going to have mostly sunny skies on Saturday and partly cloudy skies on Sunday as a couple disturbances pass through our area. Most locations will also continue to remain dry this weekend, but there is a slight chance that we could see a couple showers and thunderstorms during the PM hours on both days, especially around the Helena area. It is also going to continue to be hot this weekend as highs are going to be in the 90s on Saturday and the upper 80s and low to mid 90s on Sunday. There is also going to be a bit of a breeze around this weekend as sustained wind speeds are going to be between 10 and 20 mph, and this wind will create elevated fire danger.

On Monday, we are going to have mostly sunny skies with a slight chance of PM showers and thunderstorms as another weak disturbance passes through our area. Mostly sunny skies and mainly dry conditions are then expected on Tuesday. It is also going to be hot and a little breezy on these two days as highs are going to be in the mid to upper 80s and low to mid 90s and sustained wind speeds are going to be between 5 and 20 mph.