ST. REGIS — A community meeting will be held Monday evening to discuss the 3,271 acre Stateline Complex fires that are burning southwest of St. Regis.
The virtual community meeting will begin at 8 p.m. Residents will be able to ask questions and fire managers will be providing an update on the blazes.
The Stateline Complex continues to experience slow and steady fire growth, according to fire managers.
Crews will continue to monitor fire activity, and where needed, will prep and construct direct and indirect line where highest probability of success exists.
The Stateline Complex includes the following fires:
- Berge Peak: contained
- Broadaxe: contained
- Deception: 132 acres
- Dolly Creek:659 acres
- Fly 2 :7 acres
- Fly 3: 69 acres
- Fly Creek: 5 acres
- Simmons Ridge: 106 acres
- Simmons Ridge 2: 293 acres
- Swimming Bear: 18 acres
- Tumbledown: 1,953 acres
- Wampus Creek - 2 acres
Fires within the Stateline Complex continued moderately active fire behavior.
A new fire, the Simmons Leg fire recorded at approximately 26 acres, has been added to the complex and is being monitored. Crews have made progress on the northwest corner of the Dolly Creek fire and the Fly 2 & Fly 3 fires.
Personnel continue to monitor fire activity via air and ground operations to identify suppression options for the remaining fires within the Complex, according to the Monday update.
The Lolo National Forest has issued several emergency closures due to increased fire activity on the Stateline Complex.
Access to Diamond and Cliff Lakes remains closed as well as the following roads and trails:
- Diamond Lake Road #7843, from milepost 0.00 at junction with Dry Creek Road #342 to the end of the road
- Diamond Lake Trail #56, from milepost 0.00 at junction with Diamond Lake Road #7843 to the end of the trail
- Cliff Lake Trail #100, from milepost 0.00 at junction with Diamond Lake Road #7843 to the end of the trail
- Dry Creek Divide Trail #203, from milepost 11.94 at junction with Dry Creek Road #342 to the end of the trail.
There are 315 people battling the lightning-sparked blazes.