

Departing Bighorns talk brotherhood, gratitude towards fans

Departing Bighorns talk brotherhood, gratitude towards fans

HELENA — The Helena Bighorns had a dominant 2021-2022 season.

After going undefeated at home, becoming regular season champions, division champions, and Fraser Cup Tournament Championship semifinalists, MTN sat down with Bighorns forwards Sam Feamster, Tylor Greene, and Liam Bland to reflect on the season.

Feamster was ecstatic that his team was able to come out of their 27 home games undefeated.

“That says it all right there, and that was huge for us. I was really happy that we went undefeated at home to end the year. It's just so hard for other teams to come in here and try to hear each other on the bench and try to communicate through the chaos we create. And it’s awesome,” he said.

The Bighorns captured Helena locals' hearts, resulting in about 2,000 fans packing the stands at home games.

“I think it’s just the way we play. We don’t want to be beaten any night. We play really hard, maybe a little bit cocky sometimes, but the people really like to get behind us and we like playing in front of them,” Bland said.

Feamster, Greene, and Bland will all be too old to play in the 3HL next season, the players all agreed they’ll miss each other the most as they move into the next season of their lives.

“I’m going to miss probably my teammates because we formed a brotherhood here that I’ve never had anywhere else. Obviously, the fans are amazing and the owners provide everything we need, so I’m going to miss everything, but the one thing would probably be my teammates,” Greene said.

But before they go, these players have a message for Bighorns fans.

“Really number one, obviously, is just thank you for the energy and support and also I just want to personally thank everybody for being so inviting to me. Just anytime somebody saw me at the rink or out at a restaurant around town they’re always so nice to me, just encouraging me, and supporting the team. So thank you,” said Feamster.

“Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Like, that was a truly amazing experience, and a lot of that had to do with the fans and the community,” said Greene.

As for what’s next for these players, Bland and Feamster are hoping to commit to college teams in the coming weeks, and for Greene, it’s time to get back to work.