Out and About


Out and About (Feb 28-Mar 1)

and last updated

HELENA — In this week's edition of Out and About: A night of jazz and sweets, Lewis and Clark Humane Society's annual Spayghetti Dinner and performances at the Tap Room.

Jazz and Just Desserts - Holter Museum of Art - 02/28
On Friday night, The Holter will be filled with art, drinks, music and munchies for everyone to enjoy with Helena's up-and-coming jazz musicians playing the night away. The event, Jazz and Just Deserts, also offers raffle tickets to purchase for a chance to win a 3-night trip to New Orleans for two. Ticket sales to attend the event opened on last week and the event will kick off at 7 p.m.

Music in the Tap Room - Lewis and Clark Brewery - 02/28 and 03/01
Talking about music, there will be more later on Friday and Saturday at the Lewis and Clark Tap Room. At 8 p.m. on Friday, BluesLine will be playing the night away with some rich and revitalizing some Memphis blues music.

On Saturday, we will officially be in the month of March, and you better get your boots ready to boogie because the Lewis and Clark Tap Room will host Crossroads Line Dancingat 7 p.m. to learn how to line dance and jam out to some classics. A little later in the night, at 8 p.m., Helena's own Vinyl City will take the stage and play some classic rock throughout the night.

Spayghetti 2025: A brighter future - Helena Civic Center - 03/01
Also on Saturday, the Lewis and Clark Humane Society (LCHS) will host their 25th Annual Spayghetti Dinner at the Helena Civic Center. It will be a night where Helena businesses and supporters will get together to raise funds for LCHS. The Civic Center will open its doors for the event at 4:30, and dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m.

They will also have a 50/50 raffle and offer games like Plinko, a wine ring toss and a balloon toss all to support LCHS. They will offer both live and silent auctions put together by supporters and businesses to raise money for the Humane Society and its services. The silent auction will also be posted online if people want to support it without being at the event. Even if you don't participate in the auctions, you can donate to LCHS on their website.

If there is an event that you would like to see next week, please send us an email with all of the details to outandabout@ktvh.com.