

World-famous grizzly bear dies in Wyoming

Grizzly Bear 399 (NPS/C. Adams)

On Tuesday, October 22, 2024, a grizzly bear known as "399" died after being hit by a vehicle on Highway 26/89 in Snake River Canyon, south of Jackson, Wyoming.

The National Park Service said in a news release that the bear's identity was confirmed through ear tags and a microchip.

Grizzly bear 399 had a yearling cub with her, whose whereabouts are currently unknown. At this time, there is no evidence to suggest the yearling was also involved in the incident, but the US Fish & Wildlife Service is monitoring the area.

NPS said that vehicle collisions with wildlife, including grizzly bears, are not uncommon across their range.

“People from around the world have followed grizzly bear 399 for several decades. At 28 years old, she was the oldest known reproducing female grizzly bear in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem,” said Hilary Cooley, Grizzly Bear Recovery Coordinator for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.

“Wildlife vehicle collisions and conflict are unfortunate. We are thankful the driver is okay and understand the community is saddened to hear that grizzly bear 399 has died,” said Angi Bruce, Wyoming Game and Fish Department Director.

“The grizzly bear is an iconic species that helps make the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem so extraordinary. Grizzly bear 399 has been perhaps the most prominent ambassador for the species. She has inspired countless visitors into conservation stewardship around the world and will be missed,” said Grand Teton National Park Superintendent Chip Jenkins.

Background information on grizzly bear/vehicle collisions from the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team:

  • From 2009-2023, there have been 49 grizzly bear mortalities (all sex and age classes combined) due to vehicle collisions in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.  
  • Average number of grizzly bear mortalities in the GYE due to vehicle collisions during 2009-2023: 3.3 bears/year.  
  • In 2024, including this incident, there have been 2 grizzly bear mortalities from vehicle strikes in the GYE. 

The driver of the vehicle reportedly was not injured; details of the collision are still being investigated.

No other information has been released at this point.