If you're in need of a fun activity to add some excitement to your day while the stay at home order is in effect, here’s how you can explore right in our backyard.
To start of your backyard birding adventure, you may see the calliope hummingbird as it dances and hovers with its magenta rays bursting from the throats of the males.
Catch flashy little sparrows known as the dark eyed junco as they flit about around the bases of trees and shrubs.
A black-and-white head, pale beak, and gray breast combine that for a dashing look of the white-crowned sparrow.
Look for the cedar waxwing with its accenting silky shining colors as it nibbles on fruits.
Find the house wren with its effervescent voice and love for finding insects in your yard.
Spot a chipping sparrow as their bright cap provides a splash of color roaming around looking for seeds.
Locate an American goldfinch while the males exhibit a brilliant yellow and shiny black with a bit of white hopping around looking for seeds.
A heavyset finch, the evening grosbeak adds a splash of color with a fierce eyebrow stripe on males
A flash of blue from a lazuli bunting may catch your eye as it belts out its squeaky and jumbling song from atop your garden.
Finally, few combine brilliant color and easy viewing quite like the yellow warbler.
See if you can check them all of the list.
Bitterroot Audubon is doing weekly bird challenges to encourage people to both explore and stay close to home. You can see them on their Facebook page , and everyone is welcome to join in!
And don’t forget that Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks recommends taking feeders down now to prevent conflicts with bears.