Quite a sight for people in Ulm on Wednesday, June 28, 2023, as four grizzly bears ran through a neighborhood.
Jamie Gumenberg shot the video (above) along Ponderosa Drive.
Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks sent a bear management specialist to the area to investigate.
FWP confirmed to KRTV that it was a sow grizzly and three cubs, and said that there were no obvious food attractants in the area.
There are no reports of any direct human encounters with the bears, and FWP believes they have moved along to a more remote area.
Grizzly bears are known for primarily living along the Rocky Mountain Front, but their range has been expanding farther east in recent years.
Whether you are out recreating in the increasingly nice weather, or just trying to keep bears away from your home, here are some reminders from Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks about how to be "Bear Aware."
When recreating:
- Stay alert
- Travel in groups
- Make noise to avoid startling a bear
- Always carry bear spray
At home:
- Store garbage in bearproof containers or in a secure building
- Prepare vulnerable livestock by reinforcing enclosures or using electric fences
- Use motion activated lights
- Pick fruit from trees as soon as it ripens
- Be cautious with things that smell like food such as pet food, bird feeders, and barbeques
For more information on living, working and recreating in Montana’s bear country, visit the FWP Bear Aware website.
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