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The American Legion in Bozeman honors Veterans

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The American Legion in Bozeman held their annual Veterans Day service at the Vietnam War Memorial at the Sunset Hill Cemetery.

The service started at 11 a.m. and began with a prayer led by Gallatin County Chaplin, Randy Jones.

The American Legion’s Len Albright welcomed the crowd and called for a moment of silence to honor lost veterans.

After the Pledge of Allegiance and the Star Spangled Banner sung by local musician, Larry Kiff, the members of the American Legion lead a 21-gun salute.

“If you have family members or even siblings, or father, grandfather, just take a moment and reflect on them and what they did for our country,” said Len Albright.

The event took place right next to the future location of the Southwest Montana Veterans cemetery which is currently under construction.

The project is still in the fund raising stages.