

Old Glory's flag changing ceremony ready for the 4th

old glory flag changing celebration on july fourth

HELENA — Independence day is just under a week away, which means it's almost time for fireworks, hot dogs, and Old Glory's annual flag-raising ceremony.

On the fourth of July, from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. The Landmark Committee is set to change the 30 by 50 foot American flag that sits tall at Old Glory from the winter flag to its summer counterpart.

It's Old Glory's 20th anniversary, and while the landmark has stood tall for two decades, it still hasn't changed the president of the Old Glory Landmark committee, Chuck Butler's mind on what this ceremony means to him.

"20 years, you know, that's like pretty cool," said Butler, "and like I said, what it means to me, this landmark and the flag means freedom."