NewsMontana Politics


Montana bill would ban the sale of fetal tissue and whole human bodies


HELENA — On Monday, Montana lawmakers heard Senate Bill 154 which would ban the sale or purchase of fetal tissue in the Treasure State.

“So essentially what this bill does is it seeks to regulate what we do with human tissue, particularly, human fetal tissue,” said bill sponsor Sen. Daniel Emrich, R-Great Falls, at the Senate Judicial Committee. “And basically it says you cannot sell it. You can only donate it.”

SB 154 also prohibits the sale of whole human bodies, which is not currently regulated under state law.

Opponents of the bill say it is unneeded due to federal law under the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act.

“The sale of all tissue, including fetal tissue, is already covered under the federal law,” Director of External Affairs at Planned Parenthood of Montana Quinn Leighton testified.

Supports of SB 154 say the bill brings Montana law in tandem with the federal law and ensures fetal tissues aren't traded as a commodity.

“At the core of SB 154 is a clear, humane principle. The remains of an unborn child should not be traded as a commodity to be bought and sold,” said Derek Oestreicher with the Montana Family Foundation.

SB 154 passed executive action in committee on a 6-3 party-line vote and will head to the Senate Floor to be debated.