HELENA — Submissions are now open for the fourth annual Montana Law Enforcement Appreciation Poster Contest.
Elementary school students must submit artwork showcasing why they appreciate law enforcement, a completed application, and a brief biography.
The preferred size of the piece is 8.5 x 14 inches, and digitally produced pieces are not allowed.
The contest is a partnership with the Montana Department of Justice, Montana Highway Patrol, and, for the first year, Stockman Bank.
Stockman Bank is pitching in hundreds of dollars for winners this year.
A regional winner from each of MHP's seven districts will receive an ice cream party hosted by the DOJ and $250 for their elementary school class.

"Montana is a state that backs the blue and loves supporting police, state troopers, sheriffs, deputies, and all of them. We find it important, that at a young age, we start to instill those principles and instill those values into, our children, elementary school kids, across the state, because it's important for them to have that understanding at a young age for what all law enforcement officers do to protect our communities," said Chase Scheuer, press secretary for the Montana Attorney General.
There will also be a statewide winner, who gets $500 for their classroom and a visit from Attorney General Austin Knudsen, MHP Colonel Kurt Sager, and local law enforcement.
The statewide winner will also go on a ride along with Col. Sager and have their poster hung up in MHP offices across the state.

Applications and artwork must be submitted by April 30, and the winners will be announced on May 12.
You can find the application and where to apply by clicking here.