The Fort Benton School District held a special election this week and passed two levies for building maintenance on the Elementary, and Middle/High Schools.
The ten-year levies will provide $823,000 to the elementary school and $647,000 to the middle/high school.
For the elementary school, the funds will go towards updating their sewer system. The building was built in 1938, and many of the cast iron pipes are vulnerable to leaks.
Fort Benton Elementary School principal Roxie Benjamin says, “Our school is quite old. And so, while we love the old characteristics, it means that there needs to be some repairs to infrastructure to make sure that we can continue our daily operations. So fixing clay pipes, things like that, and making sure that we can continue to be up and running. We have recently updated our heating system, which is great.”
The much needed update is also the reason for the odd timing of the election.
Instead of waiting until the trustee election in May, the levy being passed now allows work on the sewer system to begin this summer when students are out of school.

The high school will focus on updating their current power system, as well as continuing a number of other projects like addressing plumbing issues, and replacing outdated heating units in the classrooms.
A few of the heating units were replaced last fall, according to Fort Benton Public Schools Superintendent, and Fort Benton Middle/High School principal Pat Hould.
Hould said, “Others are outdated as well, and don't function like they should. We want classrooms to be warm. The other thing we've been discussing are lights, trying to replace outdated fluorescent lighting now with LED lighting. And so, those are projects moving forward. Replace some windows also in our gymnasium that were not insulated properly and cold air would get in and such.”
With a reported 50% voter turnout, both levies passed on February 11th with 67% in favor.
Hould says, “We are extremely lucky to live in a community that's so incredibly supportive of our schools. The school district is a real pride point for this community.”