The first case of a moose with Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) has been found in Montana.
According to Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP), a hunter harvested the bull moose in late October near Pulpit Mountain north of Troy.
The animal was harvested less than half a mile of the existing Libby CWD Management Zone.
FWP collected the voluntary sample from the carcass and submitted it for testing to the Veterinary Diagnostic Lab at Colorado State University who confirmed CWD infection.
In the Libby CWD Management Zone there have been 30 positive detection of the disease in white-tail deer as of Nov. 14, 2019.
CWD is a progressive, fatal disease affecting the nervous system of mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk and moose.
There is no known transmission of CWD to humans or other animals, including pets or livestock.
More information about CWD can be found on the FWP website .