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10 puppies found dead along highway in Big Horn County

10 puppies found dead along highway in Big Horn County
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BIG HORN COUNTY — Ten puppies were found dead recently on Highway 212 near the Little Bighorn Battlefield.

The circumstances surrounding the puppies’ deaths remain unclear. It is unknown if they were thrown from a vehicle, abandoned there or wandered to the area before succumbing to the elements.

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10 puppies found dead along highway in Big Horn County

"It's heartbreaking because it's unnecessary," said Sandy Newton, executive director of Spay Montana, a nonprofit organization based in Helena that aims to reduce pet overpopulation by providing spaying and neutering services across the state.

It was unclear when the puppies died. Their bodies remained on the side of the road Tuesday when MTN was there.

The puppies draw attention to a larger issue of overpopulation of companion animals.

10 puppies found dead along highway in Big Horn County

"Many of the people, particularly on the reservations, they're very underserved. And many of them have really big hearts. But stories like this one that's coming up right now is particularly sad because they're such, it's kind of needless in a way. Because spaying and neutering them is really the answer," Newton said. "If they're not spayed and neutered, they're going to breed. And most of them are fairly large breeds, which means that they're going to reproduce anywhere up from 14 to 16 puppies every time they have a litter. So, it's a problem."

Sunny Guenthner, a volunteer who helps run Freckles and Tomcat Rescue, echoed the urgency of the situation. A lot of rescues spend time on reservations, educating on the importance of spaying and neutering, but it's a problem seen across the country.

10 puppies found dead along highway in Big Horn County

"It's kind of cultural how they've been out there, you know, dogs mostly free roam. A lot of people don't have fence yards. So, they free roam. A part of our mission, and along with, you know, multiple other rescues who, you know, pull dogs from out there, is really just educating the importance of spaying and neutering, especially. And also vaccinating," Guenthner said. "I wouldn't say it's only happening in these areas (on reservations). Although people might, you know, think that's the case, I think, you know, there's a crisis across the country."

Nonprofits such as Freckles and Tomcat Rescue and Rez Dog Rescue of Montana work tirelessly to rescue and rehabilitate animals.

10 puppies found dead along highway in Big Horn County

"There is change happening. It's, it's slow. As you can imagine, when a problem starts so big, change can be slow. But we offer through Spay Montana, you know, free spay and neuter clinics every year," Guenthner said.

During the interview with MTN News, Guenthner had a puppy in her lap that was recently rescued named Laurel.

10 puppies found dead along highway in Big Horn County

"So, Laurel, for example, you know, was dumped by the interstate by a rest area. We'll probably never know who did it. She came in with ringworm, parvo, Giardia, just all sorts of things," she said. "That's the only solution to the crisis across the country really is spaying and neutering. And I'd really, really wish we could get, you know, across to people the importance of it."

As organizations strive to tackle the overwhelming problem, the fate of the 10 puppies serves as a reminder of the hard work the nonprofits put in.

"Just devastation, really, you know, for as hard as all the rescues work, you know, to try to prevent things like this," Guenthner said. "I think these tough situations really wear on us. But they also keep us motivated to keep going."