

Missoula County Fairgrounds trail system begins construction


MISSOULA – The Missoula County Fairgrounds is currently undergoing renovations to help create and improve a trail system that will connect through the fairgrounds.

Officials hope that the trail project is a way to make the south end of Missoula more pedestrian friendly and better connected to other parts of the city.

Before the trail project, the fairgrounds was enclosed by a metal gate running along the south end. Now its trail system will help people as they make their way to heavily-trafficked areas of Missoula like Sentinel, the YMCA and Southgate Mall.

Trail improvements are a part of an ongoing process to renovate multiple areas and buildings at the fairgrounds.

Over a longer period of time, the fairgrounds expects to have a new ice rink, rodeo grounds and livestock building.

All of the new editions will help create a community friendly environment that is inviting year round.

“When the fairgrounds is complete and we do our historic plaza renovations and have all of our great lighting in and the buildings are finished, we are going to have a vibrant, vibrant place where people will come just to hang out and be in a green space — sort of a lush oasis in the heart of a busy, bustling mid town,” said Emily Brock, fairgrounds director.

The fairgrounds trail project is expected to continue into next year, but some of the project will be completed by the fall.

-Reported by Connor McCauley/MTN News