

21-year-old man dies in crash near Hays

and last updated

One man died and two men were injured in a Saturday morning crash near Hays.

The Montana Highway Patrol reported the crash occurred between 6-7 a.m. on Mission Canyon Road.

A vehicle was traveling west when the driver failed to negotiate a series of curves and lost control. The vehicle slid on the driver’s side into soft gravel, tipped, and overturned into a creek.

The driver, a 21-year-old North Dakota man, and a passenger, a 20-year-old man from Hays, were injured and taken to Indian Health Services.

Another passenger, a 21-year-old man from Hays, died on scene.

The names of those involved have not yet been released.

The occupants were not wearing seat belts. Speed and alcohol are suspected factors in the crash.

The FBI and Fort Belknap Police Department are assisting in the investigation.