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Veterans’ Treatment Court in Great Falls earns 'Top 5' honor


In the video below, Paul Sanchez reports on the Veterans’ Treatment Court in Cascade County, which was recently recognized nationally by All Rise as one of five Mentor Courts in the country.

Veterans’ Treatment Court earns 'Top 5' honor

All Rise provided the following information:

The Eight Judicial District Veterans’ Treatment Court, in Cascade County, has been named one of just five national mentor courts by All Rise’s Justice for Vets division and the U.S. Department of Justice. The program will receive an award marking the distinction at the national All Rise Treatment Court Conference, in Orlando Florida, in May.

National mentor courts are exemplary veterans’ treatment courts selected to serve a three-year term as model programs to assist new or growing courts. These top-tier programs play a significant role in national training, technical assistance, media, and research efforts.

As part of the mentor court network for 2025-2027, the Eight Judicial District Veterans’ Treatment Court will help provide guidance and technical assistance to jurisdictions interested in implementing a veterans treatment court, including hosting site visits and one-on-one professional shadowing for team members from other jurisdictions around the country.

“It is a great honor to recognize this court as one of only five mentor courts in the country,” said Justice for Vets director Scott Tirocchi. “This program is a shining example of serving those who have served us and ensuring that our military veterans and service members receive the treatment and benefits they have earned. As a mentor court, this program is helping to lead veterans who might otherwise be incarcerated into lives of recovery and hope.”

There are now more than 4,000 treatment courts nationwide, including more than 500 veterans’ treatment courts. These programs are considered the most effective intervention in the justice system for reducing crime and substance use while saving millions of taxpayer dollars compared to the cost of incarceration.

The Veterans’ Treatment Court in Great Falls, was founded in 2013. The Honorable Judge Best, who is a veteran of the United States Army herself, presides of the Veterans’ Treatment Court.

The Veterans’ Treatment Court averages approximately 20 Justice Involved Veterans throughout the year. The Coordinator, Denver Cobb, works closely with the Courts Case Manager, Kathy Hankes and several community partners to provide treatment for addictions and mental health.

“I am proud of this selection,” said Judge Best. “It directly reflects on the exceptional qualifications of our Team, the Team’s commitment to our country’s veterans, and our collaborative approach to following Best Practices in addressing trauma, addictions, accountability and community safety.”

All Rise’s mentor court network is supported by the Bureau of Justice Assistance within the Office of Justice Programs at the U.S. Department of Justice.