

Helena's Memorial Park Ice Rink slated to open on December 26

and last updated

HELENA — The Memorial Park Ice Rink is slated to open December 26 with extended hours through January 1, running from 11 AM – 8 PM.

“But we want to be able to provide that outdoor recreation. So, we are doing our best. Parks Maintenance has been coming in really early in the morning or really late at night when it's cold to build the ice. So, we're dedicated to getting open and providing something for people to do over their winter break,” says Recreation Manager for the City of Helena, Kait Perrodin.

This is all dependent upon temperature, of course. As a body of ice, the rink depends upon freezing or below-freezing temperatures at night to stay open.

To create the rink, the Parks Maintenance department creates a layer of water-soaked earth that freezes and acts as a base for layers of ice on top for the skaters.

Perrodin says that this outdoor activity is a fun and cost-effective way for families to get out and enjoy winter.

“A whole family can come for under $10. We have skates that are free. So, this is an activity that people can do all day if they want to for not that much money. And so, I think that providing those opportunities for Helena's families is, you know, vital for the health of our community,” says Perrodin.