HELENA — Not much has happened at the former Zip Trip location on N. Montana Avenue and Custer Avenue in Helena in recent weeks. Viewer Amanda wanted an update on what is happening there, so MTN got one.
At the end of September the city of Helena had a pre-application meeting with the development team for the former Zip Trip site, and a demolition permit was issued. At the time, plans for a 7 Brew Drive-Thru Coffee shop were floated.
Today, those plans have changed. According to 7 Brew Drive-Thru Coffee, they have no plans to build a location in Helena.
The only active permit for the site is for underground storage tank, fuel canopy and other equipment removal. Three 10-thousand gallon tanks were dug up, and the canopy and fuel dispensers were taken down.
There is no permit for demolition of the former Zip Trip convenience store building.
According to city officials, they have not received anything regarding construction of future buildings on the site.