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The return of Helena History Tours

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HELENA — The Foundation for Montana History is starting back up its Helena History Tours on June 13. The tours give participants a chance to learn about the area's rich history.

The return of Helena History Tours

“I love sharing Helena's history with the community. I love seeing the public's reaction to these stories because a lot of people will say something to the effect of, oh I remember hearing a version of that story, so it's really cool to be able to share in that past together, but it's also cool to be able to educate on new things,” says Zach Coe, Community Outreach Manager for The Foundation for Montana History and tour guide.

There are a myriad of different tours that will take folks on a journey through time such as their Breweries and Brothels tour, Miners to Millionaires tour, The Adventure on the Ambrose Trail tour, Pedaling Through the Past tour, and their newest tour – the Rediscover Reeder’s Alley tour.

Coe says that learning about local history can help lay the groundwork for community.

“Not only do we gain a greater appreciation for how all of this came to be, but we also want to, it makes us want to participate in our community and understand why our community is so special. It's about community and creating that sense of togetherness that really makes Helena a wonderful place to live,” says Coe.

Tickets are $20 for adults and thanks to AARP Montana tickets are half-price for those aged 50 and up.

“They can sign up starting mid-May and they can sign up at So, yeah, head on over there and get your spot because these books go quick,” says Coe.

The tours will run through Labor Day Weekend, followed by their popular Haunted tours which run in the fall.