HELENA — Rossiter Elementary School presented a check to Helena Food Share on Monday after students helped raise more than $7,000 to address food insecurity.
The Raise the Roof fundraiser happened last Friday, with the school principal perched on the school's roof until the goal amount of $2,000 was reached.
The school received over three times its goal in donations from families and local businesses like Ruckers Furniture, Moose Lodge, and Smitty's Fireplace.
Rossiter split half of their donations with Helena Food Share since the nonprofit supports many of their students.

"Even down to the kindergarten and first-grade level, people understand what it means to help your neighbor, and it's phenomenal to see over 300 kids get together and know that they helped someone," said Tim Joyce, the development director of Helena Food Share.
Helena Food Share says the $3,500 will go directly into purchasing food to fill the shelves of its grocery share market.

Students at Rossiter were treated to a dance party with the principal on Monday, and they will be writing thank-you letters to those who donated.