HELENA — St. Peter’s Hospital has welcomed its first baby to Helena for 2025. Koda and Samantha McMillin welcomed their baby girl Leanne on Thursday, January 2, 2025, at 12:22 a.m.
Although she was not due for a few more days, Leanne weighs 7 pounds and 3 ounces and is 20 and a half inches long.
When Leanne goes home she will be welcomed by three brothers.
Koda shares why they chose their daughter's name: “Her name is Leanne Marie and the reason behind it is my mother’s name was Leanne and she sadly left us 25 years ago on New Year’s Day, so it brings in a little light to it and makes the holiday season a bit better," Koda says.
Leanne's middle name comes from Samantha's great-grandmother.
The McMillins say the past day has been special not only because they had the first baby of the year but also it is a powerful experience bringing life into the world.

Local businesses contributed to a gift basket to help welcome the McMillin’s new year bundle of joy.
Leanne and the basket are not the only gift the family received. Leanne's grandfather is excited for the hospital to stamp her foot so he can get a tattoo to honor his granddaughter.
Samantha says she was already shocked she was going into labor and found out another mother was coming into deliver moments before she began to push.
"When I found out we had the first baby of the year in Helena, I was taken a back I am not going to lie. I never thought we would have the first baby of the year," Samantha says.
Leanne’s parents were not only surprised by the fact she was the first baby born in Helena this year but also by her full head of hair.
Leanne's family is grateful to St. Peter's for making their holiday delivery heartwarming and smooth.