

Helena Commission candidate interviews happening Friday

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HELENA — The City of Helena will be interviewing seven city commissioner candidates on Friday morning for the seat that was held by Commissioner Eric Feaver until his death in June.

The special meeting will start at 9:00 a.m. in the City-County Conference Room 326. People can also view the meeting via Zoom.

Friday’s Schedule:

  • 9:00 AM Troy McGee
  • 9:40 AM Brianne Harrington
  • 10:10 AM Mark Juedeman
  • 10:40 AM Patty Mastin
  • 11:10 Michael McCabe
  • 11:40 AM Andy Shirtliff
  • 12:10 PM Kim Mangold

Under the city charter, candidates for the position must live within city limits and be 18 or older. Leaders also said, when reviewing applications, they’ll consider people’s ability to commit time to the job and their commitment to the charter – particularly the preamble.
The commission could select two or three finalists for a second round on Aug. 23. They will make their final decision at a special commission meeting on Aug. 29.

The appointed commissioner will serve until the end of 2023, when an election will be held to fill the final two years of Feaver’s unexpired term.