

Greater Helena Gives raising funds for area nonprofits


HELENA — The charity event Greater Helena Gives is starting up Wednesday evening at 8 PM.

The Greater Helena Gives event works to raise awareness and money for non-profits that impact the greater Helena area.

Previously the event has been held on Thursday and Friday, but Helena Area Community Foundation has moved the event to this Wednesday and Thursday. The reason? The Vigilante Day Parade.

“In an effort to kind of let those things both have their space we’ve moved ours one day earlier so it starts on Wednesday and ends on Thursday,” says Executive Director of Helena Area Community Foundation, Emily Frazier.

Folks will still be able to contribute if they miss the 24-hour fundraiser.

“The site will stay open throughout the weekend so if anybody misses that they’ll still be able to get their gifts in,” says Frazier.

This year, at 110, the event has the most amount of non-profits ever involved. Simultaneously, this year is seeing the most amount of matching funds ever seen in this event.

The Greater Helena Gives event helps support non-profits big and small with folks having the option to donate to non-profits of their choice or give to a general fund.

“Events like this just, for one, help organizations that are small raise money they really, really need. And it also kind of creates this neat environment where donors can come in and learn about new nonprofits,” says Frazier.

Thursday will feature community events throughout Helena, including the revealing of the name of GHG’s new mascot. And you can still track the number of donors and donations to non-profits on Greater Helena Gives’ website.