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Students compose music with AI in 'Character Strong Project'


In an innovative blend of technology and creativity, sixth-grade students at Mountain View Elementary School in Great Falls are harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create music as part of their Character Strong curriculum.

Character Strong involves collaboration, creativity, and in-depth thinking of positive character traits such as respect, kindness, and perseverance.

Each month, students will form groups to use AI tools to compose music that reflects themes of the assigned character trait.

While the AI provides the melodies and background music, it’s up to the students to input their own creative decisions in the final composition.

“It’s that whole thing of how can we make learning real world? This is how,” said Mrs. Foster, one of the sixth-grade teachers at Mountain View. “It’s (AI) already here so, how do we learn to embrace it?”

Students buzzed with excitement for the project as they worked in their groups. “It's going to be pretty fun. We're doing it every month and yeah,” said student Brecken Egan. “I’m excited to be creative and make the music. Getting to hear it on the intercom and all that, it’s gonna be fun.”

As part of a competition, a winning group will be titled with their final compositions showcased on the school-wide intercom as well as the character strong school assembly.

As educators continue to seek new ways to engage students with meaningful learning, projects like this prepare students for an innovative future ahead as well as deepen their understanding of core values.