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🏈 Great Falls businesses prepare for Super Bowl Sunday

Tymerie and Ronnie
and last updated

GREAT FALLS — On the west side of town, P. Gibson’s Sports Grill and Casino is preparing for their Super Bowl Sunday crowd.

Tommy Lynch talked with Tymerie Vincelli and Ronnie Harvie - watch:

Great Falls businesses prep for Super Bowl

Vincelli, a shift leader at P. Gibson’s, said, “Super Bowl Sunday, it’s hit or miss here. I feel like it just really depends on who’s playing, but we do get a really good crowd, and it is a fun atmosphere to be a part of.”

Vincelli says that no matter the crowd, they will be prepared for the customers.

Vincelli said, “We prepare by overstaffing, making sure our food is prepped in the back, and having a lot of beer on tap and in our coolers.”

For the employees at P. Gibson’s, chaos is nothing they can’t handle.

Vincelli said, “We have a good staff here. A lot of the staff has been here for a long time, so we have a really good flow of handling chaotic and steadiness. So I feel we’ll be able to handle it no matter what.”

Over at Albertsons, the finger foods like chips, salsa, and crackers are hot sellers for Sunday’s game.

Harvie, Albertsons Store Manager, said, “People are in shopping. They're getting all their chips, their pop, beer, wine, all the spirits.”

Harvie has been an Albertsons store manager for 40 years, and says Super Bowl shoppers can be seen from Thursday to Sunday.

Harvie said, “Sunday morning is usually a very busy day for us because everything that was forgotten on Friday or Saturday, they're all back in here on Sunday picking that up.”

The busy weekend is expected, and Albertsons works with their vendors to keep the shelves stocked.

Harvie said, “We usually ramp up. We try to get everything in stock on Friday. Our vendors are very helpful, you know.”

P. Gibson’s website can be found here.

Albertsons website can be found here.