

MT FWP proposes new quotas for wolf hunting

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and last updated

HELENA — Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks says wolf numbers across the state fell slightly in 2022 but remain healthy.

The state estimates there are 1,087 wolves in Montana, which is 44 fewer than the previous year.

The total number of packs in the state is 181 packs, down 10 packs from 2021.

FWP says hunters harvested 248 wolves between the spring and fall hunting seasons.

On August 17, 2023, the Fish & Wildlife Commission will consider a new 289-wolf quota for the 2023-2024 season, including maintaining the six-wolf quota for the management unit north of Yellowstone National Park. The new region quotas in total are 167 lower than the previous season.

The new quota of 289 wolves statewide reflects an average of the last five years of the statewide harvest according to FWP.

Here is the full news release from FWP:

While the population remains strong, wolf numbers did again fall slightly in 2022, according to the 2022 Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Wolf Report.

“We're meeting the legal requirement to reduce wolf numbers and we're doing it at a measured pace we know will keep the population healthy, sustainable, and above recovery levels” said Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Director Dustin Temple.

The estimated wolf population for 2022 was 1,087 wolves. This is down 56 wolves from 1,143 in 2021. The number of wolf packs was 181, down 10 packs from 2021. Total wolf harvest for the spring and fall of calendar year 2022 was 248.

At the Aug. 17 Fish and Wildlife Commission meeting, FWP will propose a new quota for the 2023/2024 season. The new quota will be 289 wolves statewide, which reflects an average of the last five years of statewide harvest. This statewide quota would be broken up by regions:

  • Region 1 – 120 wolves
  • Region 2 – 91 wolves
  • Region 3 – 52 wolves
  • Region 4 – 15 wolves
  • Regions 5, 6 and 7 – 5 wolves total
In Wolf Management Unit 313, north of Yellowstone National Park, FWP is still proposing a quota of six wolves.

For the 2023/2024 season, FWP is proposing wolf trapping season to open the first Monday after Thanksgiving outside of mapped grizzly bear occupied range. FWP is again proposing a floating start date for areas inside of mapped grizzly bear occupied range. This is the same as the 2022/2023 season. FWP will produce a map for occupied grizzly bear range that trappers will be able to download.

The Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission will review and make a final decision on the proposed furbearer and wolf trapping and hunting seasons and quotas at its Aug. 17 meeting.

The commission will also review and make a final decision on draft rule language for an amendment for Associated Rules of Montana (ARM) 12.9.1303, which addresses nonlethal and lethal control methods consistent with the Montana Gray Wolf Conservation and Management Plan. Given Montana’s wolf management plan is being reviewed for potential changes and updates, any specific ARM reference to the first (current) wolf plan should be edited to represent the reality of plan evolution over time.

To view the proposed language, go to:

Since the ARM process is separate from the Fish and Wildlife Commission process, comments will be taken in person at the Aug. 17 commission meeting and at subsequent public hearings to be scheduled to gather feedback on the proposed rules.