

FWP looking for Montanan's input on outdoor recreation

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks

HELENA — Every five years the state updates its Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP). As they get ready to update the new plan, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is looking for input from the public to see what Montanans prioritize when it comes to the great outdoors.

“We want the plan to be a reflection of what the public wants for outdoor recreation,” says Communication and Education Division Administrator at Montana FWP.

Many of those who live in Montana make sure to take advantage of the state’s wide variety of outdoor recreation like mountain biking, hiking, skiing, fishing, rock climbing, snowmobiling, and more.

The state’s outdoor recreation plan shows what the outdoor needs of the public are.

It helps guide local, state, and federal government agencies as they work with FWP to develop outdoor recreation.

The plan can also be an avenue for federal funding through the Land and Water Conservation Fund. Since its creation in 1964, Montana’s LWCF Program has funded over 800 projects throughout Montana.

“So, LWCF money goes towards things like trails, it also goes towards things like playgrounds, municipal swimming pools,” says Lemon.

Lemon says that public engagement is necessary for the future of outdoor recreation in the state.

“But for us, it’s really important that it’s not just a box to check. Like, we want to engage Montanans across the state on what they want to see for outdoor recreation so that, you know, local communities, other agencies understand what Montanans prioritize for outdoor recreation, and that gives us all a better plan for how to approach it,” says Lemon.

FWP will be traveling the state during the month of March hosting public workshops in cities across the state. They also have an online survey they encourage Montanans to take. FWP is looking to have a new plan complete by the end of the year.