

Carroll College initiative works to provide tuition-free education to students from war-torn countries

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HELENA — Carroll College’s Global Student Refugee/Asylee Initiative has given students from war-stricken countries a chance at a different life and free education.

“I’m just happy to be in a safe place, to meet new people, and also for me it's opportunity to help my country in the future,” says international relations major, Anzhela Stoliar.

After the war in Ukraine broke out on February 24, 2022, collegiate life wasn’t going to be the same for many Ukrainian students. Mariia Savchenko’s and Anzhela Stoliar’s university was bombed by Russian forces which forced them online to continue their studies.

“I've got email from Carroll advisor that if you can like if you can't to continue your studying in Ukraine you can come to United States and continue your education here,” says political science major, Mariia Savchenko.

The initiative provides tuition-free education to refugee students seeking asylum. This is made possible by scholarship support from Carroll College and donors, as well as the Gianforte Family Foundation. And if enough host families are available, students are able to stay with them.

So far, there are three Ukrainian students and four Ethiopian students in the program.

Veronika Fomishyna was studying computer science in Slovakia when the war broke out. Upon hearing of her home country’s invasion, she headed to the border to help fleeing refugees. Since her arrival at Carroll College, she has since changed her major to sociology in order to better understand and help people.

“‘...maybe there's a chance to get a degree and in future get more opportunities to provide help, to know more about this like about psychology and all this stuff,’ Because I'm more math person. I would like to understand people more and to be more helpful,” says Fomishyna.

The students said they were extremely grateful for this opportunity and steadfast in how they would use their education to help better their home county.

“...their time at Carroll college gives them a new outlook on life, a new opportunity to continue their learning. And hopefully, take what they learn here and go back and rebuild,” says President of Carroll College, Dr. John E. Cech.