

Blackfeet Community College release new portal to report missing persons

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The Montana Missing Indigenous Persons Task Force and Blackfeet Community College announced the launch of a new Missing Indigenous Persons Reporting Portal.

The website allows individuals to complete a Contact Information Form about the missing person online.

In a press release, the community college and the task force explain that, in the past, loved ones of missing persons have expressed reluctance to report missing individuals directly to law enforcement.

This new reporting system will serve as the “go-between” for those reporting and all levels of law enforcement.

Once the form is submitted on the website, an automatic notice will be sent to local tribal law enforcement. Volunteers from Blackfeet Community College will provide support to the missing person’s family while working with law enforcement.

The initial roll out of the website will be within the Browning area, with remaining tribal communities in Montana to be added to the network within the next year in 2021.

Those from other Tribal Nations can still report missing persons using the same website.

President of the community college says this website will hopefully bring a sense of peace.

“I think as a community, we're stepping forward and we're trying to provide a way for us to collect information so that we can resolve these cases,” says Karla Bird, President of Blackfeet Community College. “More importantly, hopefully, help save lives, help bring closure to families, and really bring the sense of peace to our community."

Blackfeet Community College received $25,000 from the Montana Department of Justice and a matching donation from AT&T to help develop this database.

To view the website, click here.