The group "Citizens 4R Veterans" which honors and helps those who have served, held a fundraiser on Saturday in Huntley.
Firefighters put up the American flag at an event to help veterans.

"They give us our opportunity to speak our minds to do our thing, to fly our flags," Citizens 4R Veterans Secretary/Treasurer Tamy Lucas said. "If they weren't fighting for our rights, we wouldn't have any."

Lucas started Citizens 4 Our Veterans after she received some help.
"Seven years ago our house burned and then they had a fund raiser for us," she said. "And we decided we needed to pay it back or pay it forward so what we're doing is we're doing is one little house burn turned into this. we try to help veterans that are falling through the cracks."

The group also honors emergency responders."
"We think the world of our officers and our veterans," Lucas said.
The sixth annual fund raiser also brings supporters from out of state and part of the draw is the last car show of the year.
"It's really wonderful to see this kind of support," Lucas said. "It brings tears to your eyes sometimes."
Patriotism is also part of the tradition.
"You just have to be happy with living in the United States," Lucas said. "Is there a better country in the world? I don't think so. People are coming across the borders. They're dying to get here. Why are we fighting against our own people? Let's just enjoy being Americans."
The place where this event was held was once called Riverside Park.
Citizens 4R Veterans is re-doing the park and for now it's called Project Veterans Park.