

A big change coming to Memorial Park Playground


HELENA — Memorial Park Playground, a staple of the community for many families, will begin to get a bit of a makeover within the next few months.

“It is a 20-something-year-old playground and times have changed over the years and it's time to upgrade this playground here at Memorial Park,” says Parks, Recreation, and Open Lands Director for the City of Helena, Doug Smith.

The play structure will begin to be replaced starting in late summer extending into next year. One piece at a time will be replaced with more accessible play equipment.

The new equipment will have softer surfaces and allow for better line of sight for parents while their children play.

“As our facilities get older and tired and begin to fail in certain areas, that's the time to look at it, make the upgrades, get to the current standards that exist today that didn't exist 20 years ago, or have been changed from 20 years ago,” says Smith.

Part of the reason for the replacement is due to concerns over the structural integrity of the current play structure. But city officials say not to worry and that the play structure is still safe to play on.

Smith also says that this change may not be the only one happening in Memorial Park. And that other possible upcoming changes in the park such as to the Warming House and the veteran’s memorial may happen, as well.

“It wasn't planned to all fall in line like this, but there is an overall 20,000-foot view look at Memorial Park and the amenities and how can we make it better for the public,” says Smith.