

2 COVID-19 cases confirmed at Rossiter Elementary School

Posted 5:11 AM, Sep 28, 2020
and last updated 1:06 PM, Sep 28, 2020

Rossiter Elementary School officials on Sunday confirmed two positive COVID-19 cases associated with the school.

One case is associated with a staff member and the other is a student case. The cases are not believed to be connected.

Lewis & Clark County public health officials are working with the school to perform contact tracing.

Students in one specific classroom at Rossiter will be transitioning to remote learning Monday and possibly Tuesday.

Parents associated with that group have been contacted and all other classes will meet in person Monday.

School officials said in a news release:

  • In order to allow contact tracing to occur, the Helena Public Schools have decided to keep one specific A-day classroom in a remote learning environment tomorrow, 9/28, and possibly Tuesday, 9/29. Parents associated with that A-day cohort have already been contacted. That one specific class will not meet in person tomorrow but all other A-day classes will meet in-person tomorrow morning. We will notify our Rossiter School community when contact tracing is complete and/or if any additional developments occur pertaining to this matter. In the interim, please continue to take care and stay safe as the COVID-19 virus remains active within our Helena community.

We will update you if we learn more.

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