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Bonanza project aims to provide wood products to Montana mills

Bonanza project
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In the video above, Paul Sanchez reports on a public meeting soliciting public input on the Bonanza Project.

A news release from the Belt Creek-White Sulphur Springs Ranger District says the agency is soliciting public comments on the Bonanza Project.

The project is focused on restoring part of the Castle Mountains that has a long history of grazing, mining, timber harvesting, and recreational use.

“This project allows us to move the forest closer to the desired conditions that will help it thrive long into the future,” said District Ranger Helen Smith in a news release. “We anticipate that the timber harvest, a byproduct of this project, will also contribute to maintaining timber industry infrastructure, including support to local mills and small businesses.”

The project area consists of 37,000 acres in the Castle Mountains in Meagher County, east of the city of White Sulphur, and includes National Forest System lands primarily within Checkerboard Creek, Bonanza Creek, Flagstaff Creek, Middle Fork Musselshell River, Alabaugh Creek, Muddy Creek, and Fourmile Creek watersheds.

A 30-day comment period began on August 6, 2024. Project information, including the scoping document, maps, and how to comment can be found online by clicking here.

For more information, call Sharon Scott at 406-495-3943 or via email with return receipt to